Another big gap in posts but this is a steep learning cliff !
Once again there's a big gap in my posts but it's not because I haven't been active in my pursuit.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, I've found this GOLDMINE of a forum at DigitalPoint and I've been pretty busy gleaning knowledge and doing a bit of participating along the way.
I've also been spending some learning time at a fellow-Aussie's site called Pro-blogger.
His site is good from two aspects.
- He's a fellow Auzz so his comments and $values are geographically relevant
- He's got a lot of great explanatory stuff for noobs like myself such as
Blogging For Beginners
Last night for example, I picked up an article off his site explaining all about Page Rank
I'm about to upload today's main blog entry from the PPC then hit the sack but tomorrow night I want to take the next step in advertising my blogs, although I've now added links to my signature in all my Digital Point posts.
I STILL haven't been able to get an answer on how to make te Yahoo PING api work under WinXP
As a by-the-bye, I've had some really encouraging feedback from some of my contacts at Digital Point.I'm now even more firmy convinced that within 12 moths I can be earning $1500/week off the internet.
Sadly I realised that I then need to take 42% tax out of that, so that is really only $870/week but I reckon we could almost live on that if I get desperate enough to get out of the 7-to-7 rat-race !
MorgansMom replied to me thus;
When I say 'work damn hard' I mean you have to be committed and stay focused.
I've seen more blogs go stale than I can count.
I get up at least an hour before my kids so I can get a good start on the day.
I write messages for my autoresponder, write some posts, do some research, add to my idea list, market in forums, search for advertising, work with JV's, do some SEO, etc.
I like to focus on a few good quality sites rather than hundreds of MFA sites or dup content sites.
I don't have a copywriter and I write 99% of my own content. Because of that, it can be a hard thing to balance site editor/administrator/marketer all at the same time.
That's what I mean by hard work.
There are things you can do to automate some processes, and make other things more efficient, but it still requires a lot of commitment on your part to earn a very decent living.
You sound like that type of person and you've got a pretty good 'blogging plan' so it shouldn't be too out-of-reach for you.
You'll probably be more successful than a lot of people hoping to earn income from blogging.
While ACT said;
It certainly sounds like you're dedicated to the cause.
To me working hard blogging means.
- Posting at least two original quality posts per day
- Leaving good comments on other related blogs on a daily basis
- Spend daily time researching SEO, marketing, etc.
That may not sound like a lot of work but doing it for a year does take a lot of dedication (which by the sounds of it you have).
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