Taming The Blog Monster

My journey into blogging

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Another 'Reality Assessment' of I.M. Earnings

Last night I looked at another overseas Online Marketing offering 
involving a subscription coaching system. 
Under their new "full disclosure" laws they had these statistics
of their participants' actual earnings ....

The 91% grouping is rather sobering really, as this probably holds true for many
(if not most) internet and network marketing systems on offer

It still depends which way you look at the half-fillled glass though ....
If you just want to earn an extra $3,000 a year for 10 hrs work per month, well ....
according to these statistics 2 in every 100 people will achieve that.

I would love for some Bloggers who offer their own training material to publish

similar statistics for their own course participants!

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