Taming The Blog Monster

My journey into blogging

Friday, September 01, 2006

Step 1 - click to go back to step 0 of the Blog Monster

Well I've been agonising over which way I want to go with this frst attempt at blogging for profit or b-blogging as I gather it is also known.
Last night after MUCH searching I came across what I found to be a really good site which helped me clarify which way I want to go. In essence you can either blog on something topical or blog to a niche market so I think I'll keep this blog going as a history of how a new blogger goes through the motions of getting started amidst being a full-time employee/father/husband AND running my own small business Technology Tamed on the side. In addition I think I'll start another Technical support blog on all things technical which I'm forever finding other people asking me for help with. That would give me plenty of avenues for a wide range of adverting topics and lots of varied interests around a central theme of a free community "helpdesk" on topics like Windows, Office, Home entertainment, Power protection, Video security, and lots of other technology related streams that I have extensive personal experience in. So ... I guess my next step is to do some keyword research to see if I could make some of those topics profitable drawcards for such a blog.
Taming The Blog Monster - step 2